Sunday, September 20, 2009

On the Job

Process not product! My new mantra.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Audition Night

Well the 2009 AfterImages auditions are done, and now the waiting begins. Just because people wanted to see their "familes" over the "holiday weekend". Cut the umbilical chord jeez. :)

So until then I shall feed my creative mind with Dessa, muse and goddess of all things amazingly cool.

Watch and learn future cast.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Thoughts on Evolution

I do my best thinking in two places. The shower and while running. Today whilst doing the latter I began to ponder. IF humans had a natural predator that they escape by running AND there was still the same amount of paved surfaces, I would like to suggest that within a few generations humans would develop amazingly shock absorbant knees.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Last Time on the Merry Go Round

Well ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, this is it. The final year of my formal schooling. I'm feeling equally daunted and enlivened by the fact. I will soon have to be even more on my own, a "real" person if you will. Not a infant coddled tight against the bosom of scholarly art. But a true artist who must birth entire productions from the change in my sofa and the passion in my heart. Presently I just drop nice neat, forward thinking, but still deemed appropriate by members of completely different generations and culture than my own, 7 minute dances into the system. A system that I love and am grateful for. Yet a system that is not best for my work.

Perhaps it's just early onset senioritis. Or maybe it's that I just spent $70 on a workbook for a non-major class. And that it makes me ill.
